Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Have any of you had the H1N1 vaccine yet?  Or your kids?  How did it go?  I know someone who took her 2 grandsons and one spiked a fever of 101 afterward.  But, that's what your body is supposed to do.  Start fighting it and build antibodies.  I'm pretty convinced I'm getting it for the kids as soon as it's available.  My 3 year old will probably get the nasal spray.  She just got the Flumist for the routine vaccine and she was so happy to not need a shot.  My one year old won't be so lucky.  I would appreciate hearing any experiences you have had or your thoughts about the vaccine.  Has anyone had H1N1 or think you may have?  Thanks!




  1. Andrew (14 years old)had the H1N1 flumist with no complications or side effects. We're waiting for the injection to be available for his twin, Eric.

  2. Hi my children and I received this vaccine the injection. None of us experienced any side effects besides sore on our arm. Not even a fever, which made me wonder. My position is rather complex. As a first time mom I was naive about vaccines and the rare but severe complications associated with them. I vax, my first child because that is what your suppose to do. Well after my baby had a severe reaction after the DTaP unconolable crying for 12 hours, high fever, and arching of back, seizure like. I decided not research and not give any more until I was sure. After this my son has not received any more vaccines, my daughter born after neither. And they have been very healthy. Fast forward a few years and I have my baby with a heart defect. Being so caught up with her surgery and heart etc. she never received any of the recommended vaccines. The only ones that I have given to her are those that will pose a severe risk to her breathing, such as the flu and H1N1 and RSV. My older children also received these. I agree with you that there are too many vaccines given. It is your choice to decide to give them or not. I would recommend reading The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears or visiting www.nvic.org Really it is deciding between the lesser of two evils. We must make informed decisions and accept the risks involved with those.
